Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Cameron Alexander!

On June 26, 2012 our newest guy was brought into this world. He was greeted by laughing and joking and of course tears!
I was scheduled for the 29th but due to my "blood pressure" she moved it up! I was miserable and hurting so bad. This was a blessing in disguise.
Christopher and I, well I, was up at 3am. I couldn't sleep so I woke him up. We headed off to the hospital at 5:30 as I was scheduled for 8:30.
We got called back by our awesome nurse Jordan. She really was awesome and made us feel comfortable and at home. She took us to triage at start my fluid and get all the details. As she hooked me up to the fetal monitor she said are you having contractions? No. She said that I was.. great, maybe we could have gotten this over with sooner!
My doctor stopped by and asked Jordan if she could move mine up. Alas, no they couldn't.
After getting my bag and a half of fluid we had to wait, as someone needed the vacuum. My parents and Christopher's parents took turns visiting. I met the anesthesiologist and dad and Chris made jokes about numbing my mouth. Evan was distraught. Finally they came in and sent me onto the operating room. Late, mind you. Jordan sat Chris in his chair and told him she would be back for him in 15 minutes.
When I got in, I was blessed to know the nurse in the operating room. Lindsey and Jordan were a blast, we were talking and laughing. Why? Because they lost the anesthesiologist. Seriously. They couldn't find him. I was asking questions and looking around. I found out they grounded me to the cauterizing machine. That look on my face made Lindsey bust out laughing. I hear them calling the anesthesiologist, as I'm sitting with my bare butt facing the open door. Oh yeah! They kept calling in passing nurses to show them my beautiful toes. Christopher had painted them like american flags. He was a hero!

I find out that Jordan went out and told my husband that they were running behind and she would be back to get him. He panicked. He knew the 15 minutes was past and worried that something was wrong. He wasn't told I was mooning everyone waitng for my spinal.
Finally they found him, chatting at the nurses desk. After quite a while he finally got my numbness to where it was supposed to be. They brought Chris in as my doctor (standing on a stool) had already started. The whole time everyone was chatting and talking. I was very proud of myself for staying calm and relaxed. I kept telling Lindsey I ordered a boy! Chris was a little more quiet but that's understandable. All at once I felt Lindsey laying across my abdomen and the anesthesia guy push down and then relief! I heard him cry once and I started crying. Lindsey laughed and said its a boy! Chris took off to take pictures. Cameron screamed and screamed and screamed. You could tell it was an angry scream. Loud and mad. They put him on the scale and the nurse said 9.5. WHAT!?!!?!?!?!?!?!  Are you serious!? Evan was early and 4.13 but I wasn't prepared for 9+ lbs. I was shocked. Christopher also. We all laughed. I said that at least I would get sympathy for the hurting and pain I had because he was huge. As he and Christopher left you could still hear Cam screaming bloody murder!
It took them 30+ minutes to finish sewing me up. All the while my doctor and nurses were gossiping and laughing. If at all possible, it was enjoyable.

Cameron Alexander Morris was born at 9:20am weighing 9.5oz, 21 inches long. Apgars were 9/9.

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